
Heartbreaking: 4-Month-Old Baby Abandoned Due to Abnormally Large Head Size

Unfortunately, suffering from a strange disease since birth, the head of 4-year-old boy Royal Kumar is 3 times larger than that of his peers. However, the saddest thing is that she was abandoned by her own parents because of her strange appearance….ny

Due to hydrocephalus, Royal’s head is three times larger than a normal child’s.

Experts believe that Royal suffered from hydrocephalus. Accordingly, the baby’s head will be abnormally large due to too much fluid accumulating in the brain. Not only that, it also makes the 4-month-old boy often fall into a state of semi-consciousness, half-dreaming, vomiting, and weakness. Seeing their child like this, Royal’s parents not only showed no mercy but also ruthlessly abandoned the boy.

Thinking that this poor boy’s life would end like this, he was very lucky, his two relatives, Ms. Prabha Devi, 30, and her husband, Mr. Rajendra Prasad, 45, opened their arms to welcome Royal home.

Sharing with the media, Ms. Prabha said that despite having 2 children, seeing Royal’s plight, she and her husband still could not ignore it. Not only were they kind enough to adopt Royal, they also used the entire 2,600 USD (more than 58 million VND) to find a way to treat the baby.

Currently, doctors are trying to put a device to help remove brain fluid and discharge it through the bloodstream into Royal’s body, to help reduce pressure on the skull. Besides, the hospital is also reviewing the situation and intends to give Royal free surgery. Although the success rate of this surgery is very low, they will do their best to save this little being.

Seeing their child like that, but Royal’s parents were not moved, they even abandoned him.

Luckily, I was adopted by my aunt and uncle.

Not only that, they are also willing to use their savings to save me….ny

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