Descubrimiento Asombroso en Egipto: Encuentran Cuerpo de Sumo Sacerdote de 2.500 Años y Dos Momias Más en un Cementerio Olvidado

Egipto apareció recientemente en los titulares cuando descubrió la momia de un sumo sacerdote de 2.500 años de antigüedad en un cementerio abandonado. Este sorprendente hallazgo arroja…

Desvelando Mentiras y Motivaciones detrás de la Leyenda del Gran Esqueleto

Exρlοraпdο las meпtiras y mοtivaciοпes detrás de la leyeпda del graп esqueletο En el ámbito de la era digital, donde la información se propaga como un reguero…

A Newly Found Asteroid Has Been Seen Flying Nearer to Us Than Communications Satellites

It missed us this time, but it’ll be back. Meanwhile, we ought to be worried about its larger cousins lurking in the dark. In this illustration,  an…

“Mysterious Shapes” in the Mars crater are perplexing scientists

But there’s a possible explanation for the weirdness spotted in NASA images. This processed image from the MRO HiRise camera uses distinctive colors to highlight formations and…

A Strange “Mini Moon” Asteroid Just Found Is Making a 200-Year Visit to Earth

The space rock looks to have been captured by our planet’s gravity over 60 years ago. An asteroid just spotted for the first time seems to have…

We’ve Never Found Anything Like The Solar System. Is It a Freak in Space?

A constantly expanding list of “exoplanets” in the Milky Way galaxy has seen thousands of additional planets added since the historic discovery in 1992 of two planets…

Earth Is Passing Through A Dark Matter “Hurricane” Right Now

Theoretically, a “hurricane” of dark matter may be passing the Sun and be visible from Earth. Spain’s University of Zaragoza’s Ciaran O’Hare served as the study’s principal…

N.A.S.A releases 12-year time-lapse video of the entire sky and its mind-blowing

A stunning 12-year time-lapse video of the entire sky, created by .N.A.S.A, shows how the environment around us has changed. A time-lapse video created by a N.A.S.A…

China develops ‘lobster eye’ telescope to scan the murky depths of the universe

The world’s first “lobster eye” space telescope, which will enable researchers to efficiently record X-ray images of the cosmos, has undergone successful testing in China. The team…

Scientists spotted an exoplanet spiraling into its star

A whirling exoplanet slowly veering toward extinction has been found by scientists. The exoplanet in question is Kepler-1658b, so named because it was found by the Kepler…