
Capturing Yawns and Tears: Enchanting Photo Shoot of a 4-Month-Old Baby Brings Sleepy Delight to Hearts

With a father who possesses a fervor for newborn photography, young Đặng Hoàng Bảo Anh, affectionately known as Nala, has been accumulating an extensive collection of charming photographs ever since her early days. The 4-month-old baby girl, hailing from Lâm Đồng, is adorned in delightful ensembles and accessories tailored for each photoshoot.

Recently, the entire family seized the chance to venture to a flower-laden hill in Lộc Quảng commune, Bảo Lâm district, to capture images in anticipation of the upcoming new year.

Decked out in a white dress complemented by a matching hat, Nala showcased her plump hands, feet, and rosy cheeks. However, as the family shared snapshots of their daughter amidst the blossoming flowers, it was the endearing expressions of the little one that truly captivated people’s attention. The series of photos, where Nala’s father caught her mid-yawn and slumber, had viewers bursting into fits of laughter.

The petite darling exhibited remarkably theatrical expressions while yawning, crying, and dozing off. Despite some seemingly discontented looks, Nala continued to enchant viewers with her incredibly endearing moments. Oh my, the little girl eventually decided to awaken and join the family photoshoot, but her eyes seemed to be in a mysterious location! Yet, isn’t she still utterly gorgeous, dear aunt and uncle?

Ms. Thanh Thúy, Nala’s mother, disclosed, “While Nala had been quite cooperative during previous photoshoots, she was a tad irritable for this particular session due to her drowsiness. She couldn’t stop yawning, and at one point, she even dozed off on the chair. Luckily, the parent group relished these candid moments and showered her with praises.”

At just 4 months old, Nala already sits in a chair, displaying curiosity and attentiveness. She boasts adorable squinted eyes and a round, cherubic countenance.

Ms. Thúy shared that Nala tips the scales at 9.1 kg, thanks to her healthy eating and slumbering routines. Nala is exclusively breastfed, consuming around 250-300ml per feeding, and enjoys uninterrupted sleep at night, feeding every 3 hours.

“Our baby has been content ever since her time in my womb. I didn’t have any cravings during pregnancy, just a penchant for sweets, and she remained healthy throughout. She was born naturally at 37 weeks, weighing 3.1 kg. I endured only three hours of labor. From her birth until now, she eats heartily and drifts into slumber on her own, without needing my assistance to lull her to sleep. As she grows, she continues to exhibit good behavior, relishes conversations, and delights in listening to music,” the enthusiastic young mother shared.

Shall we now delve into more of these enchanting pictures of the precious

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