
Abandoned and Alone: Heartbreaking Story of a Dog Left in the Forest with a Huge Tumor

Several rescue organizations posted pictures of this puppy online. The woman who saw him just took a picture of him and posted it to Facebook.

The dog is an amstaff breed. He can only stand because he is immovable. What happened to him is unknown. He might have been shot earlier because he was in a wooded location.

His tail never stops wagging because he is such a darling. He may have just been dumped in this condition by his previous owner, as evidenced by his chopped ears.

Alphonzo was his name. The x-rays confirm that it is a tumor, as expected. He’s in excruciating pain, has a badly deformed leg, and it stinks.

In order to check for mets, the veterinarian will perform more exams, blood tests, a chest x-ray, and a CT scan. He will definitely need to have a limb amputated.

He never stops wagging his tail and giving everyone kisses. His strong appetite is a positive sign.

He had a chest x-ray conducted, but the results showed no mets. He will have his leg amputated, and he is hooked up to an IV. Blood tests indicate that he is anemic, yet we must amputate the limb right away; we cannot wait another day.

He was saved after a grueling, all-night procedure that involved the removal of a 6-kg tumor and the amputation of his front leg.

Four days after leaving the facility, Alphonzo is healthy. He will succeed because he is a fighter! Although he is anemic, a balanced diet and supplements can treat it. Veterinarian nurse Merima is privately raising him.

He overcame a difficult treatment and will have a regular, content life! He longs to find someone who will value him equally with their own self-worth.

One month later, Alphonzo is doing fantastic, his injury is mending perfectly, and there are no issues. He is adorable, enjoys spending time with people, children, dogs, and cats.

He will be close to a year old when the free spaying and neutering program resumes.

I truly hope that this child is adopted and receives true love. He is really appreciative of your assistance as well as the wonderful attention Meri and Franjo are giving him.

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