
A Decade of Beauty: The Stunning Evolution of the Twins Named ‘Most Beautiful in the World

For any parent, their children are the most beautiful angels. But the case of Ava Marie and Leah Rose is a little more special. From the moment they were born, wherever they went, the two little princesses received great compliments about their lovely and lovely appearance.

Ava Marie and Leah Rose were born on 7/7/2010. These two girls are the children of a couple whose face is also “not average” – Jaqi and Kevin from Los Angeles, USA. Everyone when they met was extremely impressed with their deep blue eyes, balanced five senses and predicted that Ava Marie and Leah Rose would grow up to become beauties with “water-tilt” beauty.

Ava Marie and Leah Rose inherited their beauty from their parents

Mother Jaqi Clements posted photos of her two children on social media, then immediately received offers from modeling agencies because they were too impressed with the two babies. With the encouragement of many people, she let her two children try their first contract with the same brand in LA as the avatar when they were only 6 months old. The two babies were later also loved by netizens as “the most beautiful twins in the world”.

However, after only 3 months, because they felt overloaded with the recording schedule and felt that it was probably too early to “force” their two children to work, the family decided to stop and return to the rhythm of life. Normal.

After 10 years have passed, two little angels have grown up with a rapidly changing appearance. However, as expected, Ava Marie and Leah Rose are getting more and more beautiful. Their faces make viewers unable to take their eyes off because they are so perfect, just like princesses coming out of a fairy tale. In particular, these are two princesses who are alike like two drops of water.

Ava Marie and Leah Rose were named the most beautiful twins in the world

Reportedly, although trying not to step into art too soon, it seems that two little angels were born to stand in front of the camera. Ava and Leah, now known as The Clements Twins or #clementstwins, are only 10 years old but are making waves in the modeling world. The Instagram page, which shares daily photos of the two children, has attracted more than 1.4 million followers.

These sisters are familiar models for famous fashion brands and magazines and they love acting. In a blog post in 2017, mother-of-two Jaqi said: “I told my children that if they like, besides dancing and learning to swim, they can also try modeling. The two of them immediately. I immediately ran and jumped everywhere because I was so excited.”

Ava Marie and Leah Rose are noticed by famous brands because of their outstanding appearance

Although these two child models often receive praise for their excellent looks and good acting skills in front of the camera, they also receive mixed opinions from the fan community many times, especially criticized the mother of two children. Many people think that, in some pictures, Ava Marie and Leah Rose look sad making them worry about whether they are both being exploited. They also do not like the fact that the two children often appear in thick make-up, which is not appropriate for their age.

After that, the mother of two had to post about the issue: “Thanks for everyone’s concern for Ava Marie and Leah Rose, but please trust that they are still happy children. Looks like, has the same childhood and friends as other normal children. The truth is not shown in a few pictures, they are just acting and doing what they love!”


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