
13-Year-Old Becomes Father, Astonishing Everyone

In 2012, 13-year-old Alfie Patten caused the whole UK to freeze when he became the youngest father in history, having a child with girlfriend Chantelle Steadman, also 15 years old.ny

But when looking at Alfie, no one would have thought that a kid at this age, with his face still too immature and innocent, his body not fully developed, not even his voice broken, could do this. for a pregnant girl.

People can only feel pity to see the boy playing with his daughter, breastfeeding, changing the millet, or holding the baby while enjoying playing video games, at an age when he should be having fun, not busy. do layout.

And the British press at that time was like catching a big catch, competing for shocking headlines, making the boy’s life miserable, even having to drop out of school and not dare to step out of the house.

Nicola, Alfie’s mother, does not believe any of the lines that the press has attributed to her son.

“He told me he was going to be a father. I asked him if he was sure, he said yes. But when I asked him exactly how it happened, he didn’t answer. It told me it was very confusing.

He was told that he was going to be a father and he believed it. He said he only slept with people once, so he was sure he was the baby’s father.”

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